Scraping through the First Term in NDA-An Enigma

Scraping through the First Term in NDA-An Enigma

I am 7043, 36th Course NDA, also known as a course, being experimented with. We did go through our idiosyncrasies and vicissitudes, nevertheless, were part of the change, that all generations undergo.

We were the first course to be split into Tech and Non Tech streams. I was selected to the Tech stream, which, I desisted, as the Non Tech stream guys spent more time in the flanks, than the Tech guys.

So I went to Div O/ Squady with the submission that I was not the Tech type, and therefore be sent to Non Tech stream with the view to spend more time with course mates in the flanks, and less on the study table. They told me to take the exam, and I failed, they would view it sympathetically. Their approach to my request made me confident, that my request is approved. Well, at least I thought so. 

As such, I purposely did not do well in Physics, Chemistry and Maths, and thought the result would be the evidence supporting my request. With that performance, I was happy and went during the following term break.

Half way the term break, I was called back for extra classes and retest. The seriousness dawned upon me, I revised and sat for the retest, as the rumours were afloat that if you fail, you lose the term/ get relegated.

The results announced, I passed through with 40% each in all three subjects. I was let off the hook. Since then, I have frequently wondered variously as under: -

  • I was let off the hook by Squady/ Div O.
  • Did I really make it? Or, I was given grace marks.
  • Was almighty around in the hour of my need?

All else apart, this was an awakening alright.



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