The Mazars and Town Planning in India

1. Having lived through fifties to this millennium, I have had the opportunity to have visited many remote and not very remote places in the country. My father’s as well as my career in the Army facilitated lots of travel and opportunity to have seen almost all the country.
2. In most of the towns that we have been transferred to, one land mark that cannot escape one’s attention is the mazar. On the GT Road at Firozpur, near Jawahar Lal Nehru park and within the Military Hospital at Jallandhar, near Officers Mess at Jhansi, on the edge of the Airport at Jammu are few that I can recall
3. Fifties to seventies were rather lethargic decades, in that the development in those years was rather leisurely. As such the mazars never came the way of development. Since the seventies, whence there has been a noticeable spurt in the construction activity, mazars construction and development of which presumably did not foresee the feverish construction activity that we come across today. I recall a couple of incidents of failed efforts of the construction agencies to shift the mazars.
4. Accordingly as wisdom would have it, so far as I know, the construction agencies/ town planners have had to contend with adjusting their plans, as such the role of the mazars in town planning. Some of the cases that I know are being mentioned below: -
(a) Military Hospital Jallandhar.
(b) Pragati Maidan Delhi.
(c) Near Hanuman Mandir on Baba Kharag Singh Marg.
(d) One near Nirula’s in Cannought Circus.
(e) One along Road to Khan Market from Sunder nagar in Delhi.
(f) One on the central verge of Mathura road ahead of Sarita Vihar on way to Faridabad.
(g) One at the beginning of the flyover from Nizamuddin to Delhi Golf Course in Delhi.
(h) One on the Crossing at Nizammudin
(i) One on the immediate left as one enters Cannaught Place from Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg.
(j) One at Atta in Noida’s bustling market place.
(k) One near the Artillery Officers Mess across the Sadar Bazar Area in Jhansi.
5. In all cases without exception, at least that I know of, the original plans have been changed. Wherever the imprudence has reportedly persisted, some one or the other has come to grief; consequently the adjustments have been accepted in the original plans.
6. Of course the ones that have been mentioned are only a minuscule fraction of the mazars that have been adopted by the town planning. There are certainly many more.
7. I shall be grateful if the readers would share their own experiences on the subject with me.


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