Knee Replacement Surgery-Whether, or not to?

The knee pain I had was happening since the first decade on this millenium, however, I did not give up squash yet. I was already about 60. Only the pain forced me to work on the other leg. From 2012 on, I started using supplement to avoid surgery. 

On one of the days, I  raced to catch a train, I had severe pain, and went to the Ortho. This was in 2016. So enthusiastic he was to have neared a client, that he offered to replace both knees, for reasons generally advanced by Salesmen, and not doctors.

I was repulsed and avoided the hospitals. It was forgone conclusions that I also avoided squash thereafter. I was already 68. This is despite the doctors advise to stop playing squash by 40. Supplements continued

2018, visited ortho at RR Army facility, and follows by Base Hospital Delhi. Dr (Lt Col) Gogoi suggested to continue till the pain threshold went beyond toleration. He was happy that I was not taking analgesics/ pain relievers.

2022, the pain was getting more intense, particularly after long walks/ golf. Visited RR, JRC. Dr Gogoi was now Col. He did not recommend knee replacement, nevertheless, thought that it could bring relief.

In Jul/ Aug 2022, discussed with Col NS Ahuja and Col Ravi Rana, who suggested go for the TKR for a better effect.

Last I Day, we visited old friend Col Darshan Pandher. He suggested that we visit one Dr Aroop Mukhejee, normally at Kanpur, and visits Max Health Delhi one week in a month. Visited Dr Aroop on 05 Sep 2022. He mentioned against the TKR, and gave a long list of medicines and two injections to work on.

Two months given, lets see what happens.

Jun 2023
I go for golf, duly strapped with knee caps. 
Do not have to rest for couple of days, before wanting to go for golf again. That was the situation before I took medications suggested by Dr Aroop Mukherjee. 
Other doctors and wife wonder, I am taking too many medicines for any side effects worth a concern.
Dr Aroop says, dosage is minimal for steroids, rest all are only supplements and not a matter of concern


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