Shweta-The Survivor

1. Shweta’s instinct for survival has been some thing to chronicle about. She has had that strong defence and the survival instinct from the very go.
2. There was this time when she was merely 12 and got infatuated, when somewhere in her subconscious, she gathered strength to get out of the mess. Thereafter while choosing her calling at the school, it took her all the moral courage to be truthful to herself, and exercised an option despite, the apprehension “What will the others think”.
3. While choosing a PG Institute for her training, the internal struggle she underwent, rewarded her as per her very dreams. The struggles at the work place have had her on her toes all the time and she fights by herself, and surprises all by her resilience, inner strength, and patience that would envy the likes of Mahatma Gandhi.
4. It all began in the womb. She was destined to be born on 13 Jul, the date her father was born. She did. Only she was breach, and that the fluid bag in the womb had leaked. The grand parents got anxious and ordered the young couple to rush to the Hospital right away. On reaching the hospital, the Doctors put her mother on the operating table, and struggled to get the baby out under the knife and scalpel.
5. Shweta survived her first ordeal. She first saw the world at 1120 hrs on 13 Jul 80. This was the second birth of her mother as well, who went through the ordeal with great dignity, and grace. It is a foregone conclusion, they gave the father the finest birthday present any one can ever dream of.
6. Shweta has a long way to go, on 13 Jul 07, she shall be 27.


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