
मिड जुली २००६ में मेरे जन्मदिवस के दिन जो मेरे साथ हुआ, वह च्र्निक्ले करने कि ज़रूरत है। में अपने घर जल्लंधर में दो दिन के लिए गया था। किसी वजह से मेरा पैर गंदे पानी में पढ़ गया, और ये कहानी वहाँ से शुरू होती है।

अब इसे इस ब्लोग में, फासितिस के नम से डाला गया है।

क्या किसी और के साथ भी ऐसा हुआ है। अगर ऐसा है तो मुझे लिख भेजें।

On 19 Jul 06, certain bacteria entered my lower limb from an open wound, as I walked bare foot through stagnant water, while at Jallandhar in Punjab
None would have imagined the adverse effect it would have on the limb. Within 24 hrs, the leg began to get swollen, and some liquid commenced oozing from the leg. I did head for the medical help, nevertheless we thought that I was suffering from eczema, as such the treatment proceeded at the tangent.
Another two days, the swelling and oozing became so intense that I had to be admitted to the Hospital. A No. of Drs and super specialists tried to ascertain the ailment. Despite all the diagnosis/ tests, the Drs were unable to diagnose the problem. Suddenly the surgeon saw that the dorsal of my left foot becoming black, and the same spreading at fast pace. He also noted that the swelling and reddishness started coming up my body at a fast pace. Accordingly, they called renowned plastic surgeon clear the black skin. After the Plastic Surgeon examined the dorsal of the left foot, he called the Surgeon IC of my treatment aside, and told him that I was afflicted by fasciitis, and the condition became so due to certain skin eating bacteria, which my antibodies were unable to respond to.
The fascia is a lining tissue under the skin that covers a surface of underlying tissues. When the fascia is inflamed, the condition is referred to as "fasciitis.". In most cases the person afflicted with such a bacteria, is known to contact gangrene.
The doctor stated that I had to be given long incisions on both sides of the limb and the skin needs to be kept open in the shape of the boat. That in all probability the antibodies shall commence responding to the dangerous/ skin eating bacteria. After the long incisions that required surgical process under general anaesthesia, the Dr gave my body 24 hours to fight the bacteria with its antibodies. If that happened I would survive.
During initial period, I was on the bed, and needed total assistance/ regular dressing up the large gaping wounds left open by the incisions and was unable to even do my usual chores. After series of four surgical operations on my limbs, last of which was grafting the skin that had been eaten by the bacteria, the Dr, tested a swob and it was diagnosed that I had no more infection. Then came the slow recovery.
To begin with, I had to be carried from place to place, this was followed by limited movement with the help of the walker, thereafter the stick, and finally, walking without stick as well. Initially there was a pronounced limp. As I fought this condition and continued to chant, I was on road to fast recovery. Today, I can walk with almost no limp. The attendant at the squash court examines my walk and encourages me to commence playing squash again.
During this period I commenced facilitating the recovery by walks, even as I limped, another month, walked into the Golf Course, and 15 days after was in the squash court.
Today, I can almost walk without a limp, jog with a bit of care, and of course play squash. This insisting on intense exercise, surely assisted in the healing process no end.
The infection that I suffered, is exceptional in these parts in metros/ towns (Delhi and around). As such it was providence that one of the doctors knew, what had happened. It was providence that he had the courage to what he did, against all obstructions. It was providence that the doctor, who was merely called in to debroid the black portion on the dorsal of the left foot and ankle, also happens to such an accomplished plastic surgeon, that he grafted approx 15-20 sq inches of open surface, with the thin peel of the skin from my thigh to perfection. This is appropriately appreciated by the surgeons, as they see the results today. It was a miracle that I recovered almost to perfection.
Gratitude for this also goes to the members of our religious gathering, who chanted the Lotus Mantra together to pray for me, while I lay in the Hospital for prolonged period for the surgery

प्रदीप बजाज


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