The Edge

The Edge

At Shillong, my wife and I went for site seeing at Elephanta Waterfalls. This was somewhere in 1991.

My wife was holding her purse and walking ahead of me, down to the site from where we could see the waterfall. Suddenly a thief snatched her purse and took a route climbing a hill.

As she yelled, I followed him up the hill. From the top there was a descent, where I fell and slipped downwards. At a certain stage I stopped and stood up. Here I was at the edge of the sheer fall, which I did not realise since in the fallen state I was at an angle where I could not see what was in front of me.

I got up, raised myself to full height, and prepared to race ahead to follow the thief. As providence would have it I noticed that there was fall at the edge of my feet. This prompted me to look down.

Lo and behold, I was at the edge of the sheer vertical fall, the lower level of which was nothing less than 200 feet. By instinct, I took a step back, turned about, ran up the hill, looking for the thief.

While thief being professional in this area had vanished, when I stopped looking for him, since there was no one to look for, 'the thought that I was moving ahead and was at the edge of the sheer vertical fall comes to me rather regularity. All that was required to send me tumbling down the fall was a small push with finger. Hoof.


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