
Reported to NDA in Jun 1966, passed out in Jun 1969. Commissioned in Jun 1970, and entered the 1971 Indo Pak War right on. Having been blooded went on to join the Unit at Srinagar, and an Armoured Div in 1973 in Jhansi. Had a stint as Instructor in NDA in 1976-78. Married off in 1978, and in 1973, Sweated to make it to the Staff College in 1980-82, and successfully completed the same in 1984. raised a Light Air Defence Battery under an Light AD Regt in Central India. Coordinated operations in Op Bajrang and Rhino in Assam in 1990-92, awarded COAS Commendation. Hung up the Uniform 1994. Joined Private Sector with Jaypee Rewa Cement, as DGM Logistics, Ovenite Express Ltd as GM Admin, Oswal Chemicals and Fertilisers as Manager Logistics, and finally am working as GM HR in Premiershield (P) Ltd) as GM Human Resources. Have between worked as ISO-9000 Consultant and Trainer.

In May 2008, I moved on to OSSIM, as Additional Director, and oversaw the Diploma Courses for Vedanta. Prepared the entire content, to include the Student Handbook, Presentations and Lesson Plans. Herein I connected with ASIS International and was part of the Tech Team for development of various standards. 

In Jul 2009 moved on to NISSMAT as Director Education. This enabled me to work on some IGNOU courses on Fire Fighting and Industrial Security. Contents were prepared as Student Handbooks, Lesson Plans and ppt for the subjects. Working here also provided me the experience in conducting Aajeevika and SGSY courses under the MoRD. I also commenced training of the retiring JCOs/ ORs at various Training Centres in India. Some Centres are GARH RIF, JAK RIF, GRENADIERS, RAJPUT, RAJ RIF, AOC, ARTY and ACCCS. 


Pradeep Bajaj said…
I have been going for Daisonin Budhism Goshos, meetings and so on for last three years, and am still wondering what's different from the other religions.

What could be a more precise definition of the Almighty as in Ek Onkar in Sikhism and Gayatri Mantra in Hindus.

While do respect Daishonin's Budhism teachings, and pray as taught in the same, am still perplexed as to the difference from the teachings in the other religious thoughts.
Pradeep Bajaj said…
I have been going for Daishonin Budhism Goshos, meetings and so on for last three years, and am still wondering what's different from thje other religions.

What could be a more precise definition of the Almighty as in Ek Onkar in Sikhism and Gayatri Mantra in Hindus.

While do respect Daishonin's Budhism teachings, and pray as taught in the same, amd still perplexed as to the difference from the teachings in the other religions.

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